Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Nautical graves and practical poets,
Woman's condition and cultural woe.
Heaving sensations accompany the telly.
What's worse than these? The end of the show.

Our lives, like globes, stiffly revolving;
White serpents crawl throughout and choke.
Resignation I give to High Society's office.
My passion - your kindling - stoke.

Woe for the compassionate daughter,
Ode to thee, misanthropic son.
Whether come hell or highwater,
Both will burn in ineffable sun.


  1. I think 'practical poets' is an oxymoron... "Speak for yourself" says James.. ok sorry, maybe you know something I don't.
    "my passion- your kindling- Stoke"
    yes, that is the fate of free thinkers I suppose. Very well said

  2. Practical poets like Nautical Graves and the television make me heave. Very much an oxymoron. A very nasty, Nasty one. haha


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