"Write with Description!"
but I only can stare
at your scuffed shoes.
They are leather,
worn and black -
like a negro spiritual.
Your toes must be cramped!
hidden within, their neighbors:
arrogance and nonchalance.
"Write from your heart!"
What heart do you mean?
That pumping jar inside my chest?
Whose beating resounds in my ears,
one little crack threatening
to fill me with life and death?
This is banal,
do not speak of it to me.
"Write from your experience!"
I live, I die. This is all.
Experiences distinguish, yes,
extinguish my passion
like a daylit candle seeking recognition.
Experience destroys
the dreams, the hopes,
of yesterday.
"Write from your soul!"
Yes. My soul.
This I can show.
But this soul is no soul
if it is flattened under you
black shoe.
So, hate to always be saying the same thing... so I'll save the "Ohh muh goodness, this is amazing," and swap it with, "Definitely one of my favorites. Right up there with 'Definitive' and 'A Letter from Al Qaadar.'"