Saturday, January 30, 2010

Crowded Solitude

Sin. It’s what covers as a second skin. Unremovable. Implacable. It is us.

Sin. It’s what makes us human…together.

A “people person.” A person who doesn’t feel. A funny joker not to be taken seriously. A joke.

Broken. Hurt. Depressed. Angry.

This characterizes the same person.

Yes like you, he feels. Yes like you he bleeds, internally.

Bloodless veins, empty from disuse. Like tears, blood dissolved to nothing, leaving emptiness, hopelessness. Pin pricks in the heart, small enough to be invisible, deep enough to make you crumble.

Physical needs, hunger, wants, leave you separated from yourself. Thought and conviction, human and sinful.

Wanting happiness for others, wanting comfort from other’s happiness.

Laughing, taunting, others “know” you. Laughing, taunting, you die.

Laughing, taunting, they write you off. Laughing taunting, you write yourself off.

Goodbye foolish world, full of empty hate and lust.

Hello foolish world, full of kindness and inseparable love. You need others.

They need you. Inseparable bonds.

Let us run together our empty races with endurance. The finish line is in sight.

Goodbye pain.

Hello eternal rest.


  1. Some of these same thoughts were going through my head last night too! Although I don't think I came as close to resolving it as you did. Why do we look for happiness in other people? Why do we want so much to be understood? Why do we make "fitting in" so important? I think it boils down to fearing man vs. fearing God. I liked your ploy on the words "run with endurance the race set before you."

  2. This is something I have been thinking about a lot lately. I hate to see people in pain. PHysical pain, yes but emotional pain is so hard to observe too. I wish I could fix it but I know that God heals and I can't really fix anything.

  3. Great thoughts James... keep up the posts!


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